Tuesday, May 21, 2024

I keep hoping

If the New York jury is at all rational, they'll see that the prosecution's star witness, Michael Cohen, serial liar and formerly Trump's "fixer," is not to be trusted: he is little more than a walking pile of garbage.


Michael Cohen Admits on the Witness Stand That He Stole From the Trump Organization

Michael Cohen admitted on the witness stand Monday that he stole from the Trump Organization, according to multiple reports.

Cohen testified Monday that he lied to former Trump Organization Chief Financial Officer Allen Weisselberg in 2017 about how much he needed to be reimbursed for a payment to the tech company RedFinch. While he asked for $50,000, Cohen testified that he only gave the company $20,000.

Nonetheless, Cohen asked for the 50K reimbursement from the Trump Organization.

In a just world, this case would never have arisen. Just dismiss it already instead of dragging us through this kangaroo-court bullshit.


  1. I know that President Trump is not on trial for having an affair with a porn actress, but do you truly believe that it didnt happen?

    I would be absolutely gobsmacked if it DID NOT happen - not only with Stormy Daniels, but most likely with others as well.

    (BTW, I think the charges in this case should never have been brought and he should not be charged with falsifying business records, but I am pretty confident that the affair, payment to shut, etc. happened.)


  2. Yeah, I can absolutely see it happening, too. More on this soon. I'm finally finishing up a reply to your previous comment from March 25.



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