Tuesday, May 07, 2024

lessons learned from Saturday

Friday night, I was in Yeonpoong-myeon and couldn't sleep all night. I didn't bring my insulin, but I'd brought along my pills, so I took those around 9 p.m. or so and tried to sleep soon after. By the time 2:45 a.m. rolled around, I knew sleep was a lost cause. I'd also peed a lot and pooped once during the night, and as it turned out, that seemed to be about it for excretions. I was out of bed at 2:45 and out the door by 3:05 a.m. 

The uphill walk went well, despite many stops along the way, and I made it to the top of the trail without any chest pains or wooziness. So that was 6 kilometers up. I met the older couple and walked the same route down. If we add the extra distance walked to reach the restaurant in Yeonpoong-myeon, my total distance for that day was about 13K. That's the longest I've walked since leaving the hospital, and I survived just fine. 

Back in civilization, I've been trying to walk every weeknight for about two hours; that comes out to around 7-8K. It may be time to get back to walking the Jamshil Bridge-and-back route, i.e., 14K. If I can do that routinely, at least three times a week, then add longer walks on weekends, I can begin to feel like my normal self again. After that, I need to add back my staircase training, but I'm a bit cautious about straining my heart right now, so... baby steps. There's other training to occupy me in the meantime: kettlebell, heavy clubs, animal flow, calisthenics, and dumbbells. I especially want to work on my shoulders, which had experienced so much weakness when I got out of the hospital.

And once I'm out of blueberries for my smoothies, then run out of SlimFast, I'll stop having any morning smoothies at all and will just do salads and keto foods for Newcastle. My weight hasn't been going down the past couple of days, and part of the reason for that is my food input, which is definitely more than 800 cal/day. I also gain the most on days when I don't walk, so that's something to look out for. Maybe nonwalking days should be fasting days.

It's raining out, but there's a walk in my future tonight. To Jamshil Bridge we go!

1 comment:

John Mac said...

You're getting there. Slow and steady wins the race. The stairs will be there when the time is right. Hope it was a good journey to the bridge and back. Keep it up!