Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Socratic method: a student defeats himself

A student claims JK Rowling is "phobic about a lot of things," then proves unable to back up any of his statements. Warren Smith, a young college prof teacher, has been making a name for himself for these Socratic Method videos in which he allows his "opponents" to wear themselves down and show everyone the emptiness of their points of view. Smith simply and calmly allows his interlocutors to talk while asking them focused questions. It's rare to see minds changed through debate, but Smith seems to be making a tiny bit of headway, student by student. I'm impressed. Faced with such massive stupidity, he's way calmer than I'd be.

UPDATE: Warren Smith was fired not long after this video came out, which is doubtless one reason why it's suddenly labeled as "private." Sorry about that. As a consolation prize, here's a link to a Rumble video of Piers Morgan interviewing Warren Smith.

1 comment:

  1. I saw that video months ago and was sorry to see he was fired for it. I suppose we can't have teachers who actually teach kids to think.



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