Thursday, May 23, 2024

stop using Bill Maher as a cudgel

Bill Maher is a TDS-addled leftist who tries to pass himself off as either a moderate or a realist. Larry Elder has gotten on Maher's case for attempting to brand himself as a libertarian, which Maher definitely is not. Maher often speaks proudly about how he's pissing off "both sides" of the Trump debate. He's also said, I admit, reasonable things about Muslims and Islam's relationship to things like free speech, terrorism, and women's rights. 

But people on the right need to stop using Bill Maher as a cudgel, as a rough tool of convenience just because he's said something that, in that particular case, happens to align with rightward thinking. Bill Maher is not your friend; he's not looking out for your best interests, and he's also not about to change anytime soon. This is one baby you need to throw out with the bathwater, and I include myself as needing to heed that wisdom because I've been repeatedly guilty of quoting him when convenient, too. 

This came to me today as I was noticing a slew of Maher-talk on YouTube, with videos claiming that Maher—who recently appeared on shows as disparate as The View and Gutfeld—either gave a leftie the business or had himself been put in his place by a conservative. If you can't make up your mind about the guy, it's time to step back and realize his inconsistencies only make him untrustworthy. Just ditch him. He adds nothing to the conversation.


  1. As they say, even a broken clock is right twice a day. I respect that Maher doesn't always blindly adhere to the leftist line of thinking. It's nice to see him make liberal heads explode now and then. That doesn't change the fact that he is a lefty, but at least he still thinks for himself occasionally.

  2. Maher's apparently been doing some sort of publicity tour, and especially when he's on a leftie broadcast, he lets his Trump Derangement Syndrome hang out. I'm getting sick of him. He's a smug asshole with no reason to be smug.



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