Monday, May 27, 2024


Morgan Spurlock has died of cancer at 53. I saw both of his Supersize Me movies, the first of which has retroactively generated controversy in terms of what critics saw as underhanded manipulation of facts in support of a pre-decided agenda. Documentaries, in particular, can target the credulous viewer (which I admit I was... and probably will be again), so they need to be watched advisedly, and in tandem with countervailing information.

I would have thought that all the fast food Spurlock had eaten would have done him in, but it was cancer. That could still be related to fast food, of course: everything causes cancer.

1 comment:

  1. I remember the films, but they didn't really impact me or my behavior. It has been interesting reading some of the post-mortems. The guy was a drunk (never mentioned in the films) and apparently a scoundrel in his treatment of women. He lived his life his way, and now it is over. The same fate awaits us all, good and bad.



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