Sunday, September 14, 2003

changes to the blogroll

The Tao begot one.
One begot two.
Two begot three.
And three begot the ten thousand things.

--Tao Te Ching, Chapter 42

I haven't felt the need to dump anyone from the blogroll yet, because I pride myself in choosing well whom I stick on there (not meant to imply that those absent from the blogroll are somehow deficient... but you might be).

Also of note: some new additions to the blogroll, a few of which are Koreablogs I've visited but never blogrolled until now, a couple of which I stole from the Marmot, who gave these guys a shout-out ("guys" indeed-- further confirmation blogging is a narcissistic activity: I think my entire blogroll is male [except for Interfaith Diablog!!]; the blogosphere doesn't seem to boast many women).

Because I've got so many Koreablogs listed, my current blog taxonomy is becoming a bit strained, and the time has come for a little categorical mitosis. As a result, I now take the route taken by other Koreabloggers and distinguish Koreablogs from Asiablogs and so on (damn, that Asiablog list is looking mighty wimpy). I hope these changes don't rock your world too much.

Oh, yes-- and I moved Frank J down with the rest of the humorblogs and gave news-related blogs/sites their own category.

Some remarks about the new additions:

Kyungnam to Kyunggi Journal: mainly for the great photos of Korea.

Empty Bottle: The guy writes prose I wish I could write. Very talented. And he just wrote his own essay about a bidet experience in Japan; scarily similar to my own, though his asshole reacted more positively, it seems.

Tacitus: Liberal (I think) and literate. A good balance for a conservative-heavy blogroll, much better than the ravings at DUdu. Speaking of liberals, the Vulture is taking a rather heavy dump on Bush.

Cobb: He claims to be the only black Republican blogger out there.

So... there we are. Some new Cyber House Rules.

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