Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Is anyone else currently being assaulted by emails from jtom [at] doe [dot] com (a.k.a. "jimmy thomas")? I'm getting dozens of these every minute. I guess someone figured out a way to superspam the citizenry. All the more reason to track them down, scalp them, make them eat their own balls, dunk them in a vat of Dave's Insanity Sauce, rip off their eyelids, piss on their eyeballs, bury them up to their neck in the ground, then start tossing bowling balls at their heads.

Luckily for me, I've got my filters in place: emails that don't have "hairy chasms" in the subject line are automatically trashed (per the caution on my sidebar*), so I don't have a cluttered inbox. I periodically root around my trash to find emails from friends who've forgotten about the filter (ahem), but not so often these days, because it's a damn bother. If I haven't replied to you, it's probably because I trashed your email along with the rest of the spam. Sorry.

This "jimmy thomas," whoever he is, has got my attention, though: because Gmail doesn't automatically delete anything in the trash, there's a chance that a sustained assault might start to gobble significant amounts of Gmail memory. Fuck you, jimmy.

UPDATE: Gmail needs to update its filter-creation procedure to be more like Hotmail's, which is quite logical. Hotmail's filters also include a "delete automatically" option. Gmail doesn't. Trash just sits there unless you flush it yourself with a "select all" followed by a "delete forever." Hotmail offers no such mercy. I think Hotmail is right to be that way. Getcher head outta yer ass, Gmail.

*The Gmail filter is a Boolean "OR," not a Boolean "AND," which means that you can type "hairy" in your subject line and that's enough to get through the filter. Or type "chasms" all by itself. Or type the full phrase, "hairy chasms." The filter isn't picky.



  1. Test comment to make sure I'm still able to receive normal mail.


  2. Not sure Kevin, I never read any of the stuff in my Gmail spam box - I just delete.

  3. I'm pretty sure Kevin can't resist clicking his spam box when it shows new messages inside - I know I can't.

  4. Thanks to my custom Gmail filter, my spam box is almost always empty.




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