Monday, June 13, 2011

I nap now

I got up at the ungodly hour of 6:30AM, blearily got ready for my 3.2-mile walk, and stumbled out the door at 7:15AM. The morning was cool, which was a nice way to start the walk, but about 45 minutes in, I noticed that the sun was already into its burn.

With several minutes to spare before my scheduled 8:30AM pickup time, I got to the Enterprise rental office... where I was told I wouldn't be able to rent a car. They had to check whether I had $200 in my bank account, which of course I didn't. I lamely offered cash, but the guy, very much By The Book, said he couldn't take it: what if a customer paid cash, then made off with the vehicle? So I nodded tiredly and lumbered out carless, wondering how the hell I was going to get to work.

It came to me pretty quickly: the auto repair guys had said there was a backlog, which is why they couldn't guarantee that my car would be ready on time for me to drive to my 1:30PM staff meeting today. So I walked another mile to the auto center, and sure enough, the dude behind the counter told me they hadn't had a chance to begin work on my car. I explained my situation, promised to bring the car in tomorrow morning, got my keys back, and drove home. Arrived just a few minutes before the time stamp on this blog post. Lovely morning.

This may be for the best, really: this way, I don't shell out more cash for a rental. Tomorrow morning, there won't be a backlog, and I can just hang around the car shop until the work is done. Given what happened at YB Near last Tuesday, there's also a chance that I won't have work, so I may be able to wait all day without the pressure of wondering whether I can make it to work on time.

The car saga continues. Stay tuned for more shenanigans. And I'm gonna take a two-hour nap since I got only about four hours of shut-eye.

ADDENDUM: Forgot to mention that the four-mile walk felt great, by which I mean that I didn't feel it at all. No aches, no pains, no nothin'. That's good to know.


1 comment:

  1. "Ungodly hour." Heh.

    These days, with some of the pressure off from the Dis, I've taken to waking up later than usual--at six o'clock. It's a nice change from five.



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