Friday, January 03, 2020

belated news of personal tragedy

A long-time e-friend and correspondent of mine, Ruth Egan, passed away last September. I only just found out about her passing. Ruth blogged at Planet Bratfink, but she hadn't written anything since last May; her final post on her blog was a litany of medical troubles. I can't say I was surprised that Ruth had passed; she had been dealing with health issues for years, and lack of mobility was a clear indicator that she was heading down a dire path.

Ruth's obituary is here. She was 61, which is relatively young these days. I regret that I never had a chance to meet her in person; she seemed like quite a character.

ADDENDUM: I should have made clear that Ruth and I had, in fact, corresponded privately well after May. Our final exchange was on September 14. Ruth died on September 26.


  1. Damn. I really enjoyed her blog. My thoughts are with her loved ones this evening, Sheldon and all those cats.

  2. I'm sure Sheldon appreciates the kind thoughts, John. Thanks.



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