Friday, November 11, 2022

anyone but Republicans

It is obvious, now, that Democrats will vote for a person as long as that person is not a Republican. Doesn't matter if they're not capable of holding office; anyone will do. We have a president with senile dementia, a newly minted Pennsylvania senator (Fetterman) who is a stroke victim with severe cognitive issues, and a member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives who is dead (DeLuca) but was nevertheless reelected in a landslide.*

Kinda' makes you wish for the old days when politicians were simply old, corrupt pieces of shit who promised and never delivered.

Tim Pool had a good suggestion: no longer show party affiliations on the ballot, thereby minimizing the probability that low-information voters will simply and reflexively vote (D). This means, as Pool notes, that you have to have done some research on the candidates you'll be voting for, starting with knowing them by name. I think this is a great idea.


*The story is that DeLuca died too close to Election Day, making it impossible to remove his name from the ballot. I didn't know the turnaround time for ballot-printing was so slow.

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