Friday, November 11, 2022

off to Andong tomorrow morning

I just can't stay away. Andong is a gorgeous city and region, so I'm going back there tomorrow. Part of my day will be spent attempting to get onto the dam—something I was unable to do last time. (Last time, I got level with the dam, but the gate to walk on the dam itself was shut and locked on my side.) To that end, I will try to go up the south side of the dam, which means walking up a road instead of a trail with stairs. We'll see how well that goes; I may come back with pictures, including, I hope, better pictures of Andong Lake.

I haven't decided how long I'll stick around. Andong is big, and there's a lot to explore. Maybe I'll eat lunch there before returning to Seoul. The day is open to me, and aside from climbing the dam again, I have no specific plans. We'll see how it goes.

6:50 a.m. bus in the morning, so I'm turning in early. More later!


  1. Enjoy your day in Andong. It's good to get out of town.

    If I recall, you said you saw someone on the dam when you were at the locked gate. Seems strange they'd lock out the hikers, but maybe there's a rational reason you'll discover today. Good luck in your dam quest.

  2. I think I may have solved the riddle of the dude on the dam. More soon.



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