Thursday, November 03, 2022

on guns

Joerg Sprave talks about German gun laws:

Tulsi Gabbard may have changed her attitude re: the Second Amendment:

If Tulsi is sincere, I might be persuaded to like her more. She's already saying all the right things in other areas, e.g., freedom of speech, leftist extremism, etc. But her former attitude toward the Second Amendment, and more recent actions like voting for Biden in 2020, make me a bit circumspect. Overall, I like Tulsi, but I'm not totally on board with her.


  1. In regards to Tulsi, I can hope she will turn out like former NYC democrat Donald Trump.

  2. It's good to see that the sane Dems are finally speaking out. It used to be that being middle of the road was something to be respected; now, if you don't align with the extremists, there is no place for you in the party.

    I gave up on the Democrats back in 2001 and have voted R ever since. I haven't changed that much; they did.



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