Friday, November 04, 2022

poor Psy

In 2012, Korean singer Psy (also written "PSY") entered the global consciousness with his hit song "Gangnam Style," a satire of rich poseurs. Released in July of that year, "Gangnam Style" became, within five months, the first YouTube video ever to reach a billion views. Psy was on top of the world. Fast forward ten years, and where is Psy now? He's still around... working as an advertising shill. Here's a monitor in my building's grocery store, displaying Psy the mascot dancing and flapping around:

Hard to believe it's already been a decade. I hope Psy changes his image, somehow, creates another hit, and finds himself on top of the world again. This is cringe-y. And sad.


  1. That really is sad. I really like the music video that accompanies the song, but when I hear Gangnam Style on its own, not so much.

    That said, Psy seems like a very talented guy; surprised he hasn't had any follow-up hits. Then again, lots of talented artists sell out for the money they get from product endorsements.

  2. This is the ideal scenario for Psy: Write a smash hit, get signed up as an advertising shill, and then just kick back. Being an artist ain't easy.

  3. John,

    Psy's talented, he's got a sense of humor, and he's good with satire.


    Yeah, I guess he's on that trajectory.



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