Saturday, November 05, 2022

"reality isn't hate"

Received, but didn't publish, a nasty comment this morning from someone who hilariously accused me of "spreading the hate"—all while calling me a fat bastard and asking me how Trump's dick tastes. (Well, I guess I've published the comment now, in a way, haven't I?) The stupidity and lack of self-awareness of a commenter who writes a hateful, foaming-at-the-mouth comment while accusing me of "spreading the hate," all while fearfully hiding behind a screen name, is too comical for words. I regret deleting the comment now; it's the kind of retardation that really deserved to be aired in public for all to see.

But the point I wanted to make was that pointing out a reality doesn't make you hateful. At worst, it makes you the lone person who cries out that the emperor has no clothes. Here's a YouTube Short that makes the same argument, with a focus on the trans issue.

Meantime, you have to wonder about some guy, sitting alone at his computer, randomly happening upon your site and saying to himself, "At last! I've found an enemy!" I mean, what sort of lame, bitch-boy incel do you have to be to live your life like that? Go walk across a small country and do something with your life, you cunt.

1 comment:

  1. Some people just hate reality. I'm thinking about that Jack Nicholson rant, "you can't handle the truth!" When truth becomes "hate" people like your commenter have no recourse but to spew venom. They don't want the truth.



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