Wednesday, November 09, 2022

Styx's postmortem

I don't Styx is done talking about this election just yet, but here's his initial reaction. He does think there's something funny going on in Maricopa County, and he admits he was wrong with certain predictions along the margins, but he also thinks the election went about the way he thought it would, i.e., no real red wave, but some minor correctives put in place:

UPDATE: a conservative source, Twitchy, is currently putting the Senate race at 49-48 in favor of the GOP. The Washington Post is still saying 48-47 in favor of the Dems. Whom to believe? People can't even agree on these numbers. They may be using different metrics to determine whether a state has gone one way or the other. And keep in mind that this nonsense can easily drag on for another week. Georgia might end up having a run-off election between Herschel Walker (R) and Raphael Warnock (D), who differ by less than a percentage point.

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