Saturday, November 12, 2022

Trump vs. DeSantis: Styx weighs in

Styx has already said that if the GOP drops the MAGA agenda and retreats to its old, neocon ways, he'll stop supporting the GOP (Styx is not a Republican, but he is in alignment with MAGA). So where does he see Trump and DeSantis when it comes to electoral viability? Does DeSantis represent a retreat from MAGA? Styx lays out his views in the video below:


  1. I really don't get his hate for Ted Cruz. I much prefer a dick to a pansy like Romney or other pseudo-Republicans.

    Yes, I'd still support Trump if he is nominated. I just think there are stronger candidates with broader appeal who would be eligible for a full eight years in the White House.

  2. I think Styx sees Cruz as little more than a weather vane pushed around by the wind. Cruz started off hating and dismissing Trump, and Trump initially called Cruz "Lyin' Ted." Then Cruz came around, and he now seems largely on board with the MAGA agenda.

    A charitable explanation for this is that Cruz changed his thinking based on new evidence, proving he has an open mind. An uncharitable explanation is that Cruz has proved he's an unprincipled squish who will kowtow to the manliest man in the room.

    I can't speak for Styx, but I think that's where he's coming from.



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