Thursday, March 20, 2025

back to being warm

I'm about to step out for what will be a long, afternoon/early-evening stroll—a walk out to the Jamshil Bridge and back (I've done a lot of 9Ks up to now). I won't have done my "crazy walk" before the weather warms up, but no matter: I'll do it in April while it's early spring, bringing only rain gear if needed. The current forecast shows possible afternoon rain on the 26th, when I'll be in the States, but nothing before that. Otherwise, daytime temps up to the time I leave in a few days look to be warming up, with no sign of a cold snap:

3/21: 18ºC / 64ºF
3/22: 19ºC / 66ºF
3/23: 21ºC / 70ºF(!!)
3/24 (departure day): 19ºC / 66ºF

All of the temperatures above would normally be pleasant, short-sleeve temps, but ever since I shut off my room's heat, I've had a bit of a low-grade cold. Symptoms never got beyond stuffy/runny nose, sore throat, and mucus-y cough. There were a few days during which I couldn't smell or taste anything, but I more or less have those senses back, which means I can once again enjoy my ever-more-limited food: I'm not buying any new food right before I leave because this minimizes the amount of garbage I'll have to throw away before I step out for three weeks. I'm in almost-fasting mode right now, having only my morning smoothie, and in two days, I'll go into total fasting mode: water only. My blood sugar is doubtless rejoicing. Rejoice while you can, blood sugar: you're going to take a beating when we get to the States. While I plan to do a lot of walking while Stateside, I've got several food-related destinations and projects mentally lined up. I still have to talk with Mike about some of those. But the point is that the blood sugar is going to take a beating, especially if I'm not careful. On the days I do these indulgences, whatever meal I'm eating will have to be, quite strictly, the only meal of the day, especially since I know know that too many carbs at once can literally kill me. I'm morbidly curious to see how much more expensive everything has gotten: the last time I was in the States was before the pandemic. The Komerican YouTuber ShoPhoCho but up this short video about Costco prices in February of this year; it was depressing to see the changes from 1997 to now. I wish he'd provided more context, though, comparing Costco's inflation to that of other places. Still, despite focusing on Costco alone, the news was bad enough: since 1997, costs have doubled or tripled on most things. Sad.

Sad or not, one day at a time. And now, it's time to walk.

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