Thursday, March 20, 2025


AI? They got the lighting mostly right.

Lots of idiots out there, distracted by the idiocy they hear.

Vocative comma. Capitalize. Period. Jesus Christ. Hard to sound clever when you write like an idiot.

Score one for Tate, I guess.


Just accept the mystery.

bought and paid for

But they are deaf to irony. And the hormone thing is to change sex, not gender.

Where does the hyphen go?

Patton said you win wars by making the other poor, dumb bastard die for his country.

Why do NGOs accept government money to begin with?

Ah, the shrinking, shriveling, increasingly ineffectual cries of "President Musk!"

I totally forgot about her.

Chrstian Smurfs in the arena

Ooh, Papa! And what's with women always sticking their tongues out? (I can guess.)

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