Friday, March 21, 2025

Friday agenda

Friday to dos:

1. get a haircut (afternoon)
2. start packing
3. wash bedding in the morning
4. do stairs work and strength training
5. ponder the near future

I need to buy camera equipment and get making some videos for the project aspect of my Skillshare courses. Skillshare gives you "certificates" when you've done every part of a course; I don't know whether the certificates actually mean anything outside of Skillshare (they don't), but they at least serve as a kind of motivation: you're not really done with a course until you've turned in your project and had it assessed (and looked at by "classmates"). As for buying equipment: I might buy it here in Korea upon my return. While I'm in the States, since I'll have a lot of down time, I'll watch more Skillshare courses.

Hard to believe I'm shipping out on Monday. Over the weekend, I might attempt a walk to Hanam City. We'll see whether I'm in shape to do that.

ADDENDUM: is Skillshare worth it?

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