Wednesday, July 04, 2018

not the news you want to wake up to

Men: if you wake up each morning with morning wood, be thankful that this is not your fate: wife hacks off cheating husband's penis.

(Thailand) A jealous wife has been arrested after allegedly hacking off her husband’s penis Tuesday with a 12-inch-long carving knife.

Karuna Sanusan, 24, carried out the bloody attack on 40-year-old Siripan after discovering he was having an affair, she told police.

She said she then hurled his severed manhood out the bedroom window, leaving Siripan writhing and screaming in agony in a pool of his own blood.

Neighbors heard his howls of pain and called the police, who arrived at the couple’s home in Sriracha, near Bangkok, Thailand, at 6:20 a.m.

Officers recovered his penis and put it in a cooler for surgeons to try to reattach — but medics said that would not be possible.

Trivia: thanks to my background in religious studies, I know that karuna is Sanskrit for "compassion." Perhaps the woman was, in fact, doing her husband a compassionate service. I'm reminded of the movie "Circle of Iron," which contains a scene in which the blind priest (David Carradine) brutally breaks the nose of a tyrannical young man who has become spoiled because of his own good looks. Breaking the boy's nose, the priest reasons, also breaks the tyranny. Tough love in action. Happy Fourth, all.

ADDENDUM: here's a pic of the impressive knife that did the deed:

I suppose the man can comfort himself by knowing his manhood was worthy of such a large knife; it would have been a grave dishonor to have had his dingus sliced off by a pocketknife. I do wonder, though, about the ear bud in the above picture. It seems to hint at an interesting story. Was Karuna listening to music while she performed her malign surgery?

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