Friday, August 23, 2019

memes and a toon via Bill

My high school's Latin motto is much cooler than Georgetown's: Esse non videri, i.e., "Being, not seeming." In other words: don't just seem good—actually be good. Don't just seem a hero—actually be a hero. It's a motto that separates the bullshitters from the authentic people.

Our country could use a dose of esse non videri right about now.

A quick fact-check on the above: Jim Jones actually used Flavor Aid. The "drank the Kool-Aid" idiom rests on (1) a misapprehension of what actually happened at Jonestown, and (2) the fact that Kool-Aid far outstripped Flavor Aid in popularity. Whoever heard of Flavor Aid? (I guess at least 919 people did. And they died for it.)

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