Saturday, August 10, 2019

this weekend's cooking projects

I need to make pie crust for my remaining pot-pie filling, which I've kept in the freezer since I made a huge load of it around the end of July (some filling is thawing in the fridge as I write this). So I'll be making pot pies that I can eat over the course of next week.

My other project will be to make Jamaican beef patties, which I've been craving for the past month. As I've written before, the first thing I do whenever I'm Stateside is drive straight to a 7-Eleven and buy myself two salty, nasty, absolutely delicious beef patties. They are without a doubt the ultimate in bad-for-you food, but they fill a Jamaican-shaped hole in my soul.

And that's why beef patties are also on the agenda this weekend. I'm not sure whether I'll take pics of the pot pies, but do expect photos of the beef patties. From what I gather, after taking in many recipes and videos, their yellow color comes from the addition of turmeric to the pie dough. And, yes: I'll be using the same pie dough for these patties as I've been using for the pot pies. I won't be going the Cornish-pasty route (i.e., using much sturdier dough).

Off to Costco. Tally-ho!

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