Sunday, November 07, 2021

from PowerLine's Week in Pictures

Comma after "apparently":

Comma after "Democrat":

No comma after "leaders":

Vocative comma before "Brandon":

Comma after "approaching":

Gun control began as a Democrat attempt to keep black folks from arming themselves (Dems were the slaveholders, remember):

I hate the singular "they":

Interestingly British spelling of "neighbor":

Technically, a comma after the second "meetings":

Lower-case "in," capitalize "hold":

At best, manslaughter:

Semicolon, not comma (this is a comma spice) in the first frame; use a comma before "and" in the second frame, plus a comma after the "if" clause:

Comma after "ships":

These memes would all be so much better if people knew how to fucking punctuate. I get tired of the retardation. The memes are good in concept, but poor in execution.

1 comment:

John Mac said...

"The memes are good in concept, but poor in execution."

There's at least one blog out there like that.