Sunday, November 14, 2021

more images

Just be consistent. Use "Mr." if you're American, and "Mr" (no period) if you're British:

Can you name the people described below?

I agree with Dennett's sentiment, but the man himself is a dick:

Yeah, I don't see either side of the aisle as pro-science. Then again, with scientists now bowing to the woke agenda these days, I don't even see science as pro-science. The left laughs at conservatives who think the earth is 6,000 years old, that homosexuality is uniquely human and unnatural, and that people are somehow not part of the evolutionary family tree. But the left also thinks that a chromosomally male "trans" person is a woman in full, that women and men are biologically the same to the point that chromosomal males can have babies, and that race doesn't exist, but racists do. So yeah, let's talk about the science:

Tolerance, or intolerance?

I had to think a bit before I remembered the name "Horshack":

Capitalist first-world problems:

You tell 'em, Tim:

I hope Rittenhouse is acquitted. He should never have been on trial in the first place:

Can't spell "per se," but otherwise a solid thought:



  1. Good stuff. Yeah, I can name the leaders. Pretty easy, really, the descriptions are spot on. It's been a while since I've seen Tim Pool referenced here, thought y'all might have had a falling out.

  2. Me and Tim Pool; you and your dogs, eh?

    I still watch Tim Pool on occasion, but I take him in much smaller doses now. Although I still think of him as having a sharp mind, his smug arrogance bothers me.

    Tim recently tested positive for—and got over—COVID. His haters wished death upon him, but of course, like most people in his demographic, he had no trouble surviving.



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