Thursday, November 11, 2021

oh, that Gavin Newsom

Fresh off his recall victory, Gavin Newsom apparently went AWOL instead of attending a climate conference. Here's a headline for you:

Gavin Newsom Reappears, Claims He Skipped Climate Conference to go ‘Trick-or-Treating’


California Gov. Gavin Newsom has reappeared in public for the first time since October 27th, claiming he missed the Cop26 climate conference to go ‘trick-or-treating’ with his children.

Newsom spoke at the California Economic Summit, where he complained about the “treadmill” of work he had to plough through.

Fox News reports that Newsom’s children held an “intervention” during a family dinner because they “couldn’t believe I was going to miss Halloween.”

“He ultimately decided to stay home because the “knot” in his stomach was too much to bear,” according to the report.

Breitbart’s Joel Pollak wondered why Newsom had to miss the climate summit given that it is still ongoing and Halloween was 10 days ago.

Californians are idiots for allowing this chump to continue as governor.

ADDENDUM: let me unpack my statement. I actually don't see much utility in a climate conference, and one could argue that Newsom ought to be praised for putting family first. But I'd have to agree with Paul Joseph Watson that Newsom's excuse for going AWOL sounds lame. This is a guy who lays down one set of rules for the citizenry while following another (malleable) set of rules for himself. The French Laundry incident is proof enough of that. That's really the problem, here. Newsom isn't a paragon of family values; he's hiding behind the notion of family to continue doing whatever he pleases. And Californians are idiots for allowing this creature access to the levers of power.

1 comment:

  1. Californians are idiots. Those with any sense have already left. I'd seen enough back in 1978.



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