Friday, November 19, 2021

"Squid Game": anti-capitalist nor not?

I still haven't seen a single episode of "Squid Game," but I've watched so much commentary about it that I think I know the show pretty well by now. One debate I've seen online is whether "Squid Game" should be thought of as a critique of capitalism, sort of like the movie "Parasite" (review). One YouTube channel I watched, Generation Films, argues that this is a superficial reading of "Squid Game"; the libertarian channel FEE, by contrast, thinks that if "Squid Game" is a critique of capitalism, then it radically misunderstands capitalism. See both of these videos below and decide for yourself.

"Squid Game" arguably misunderstands capitalism but could be seen as a critique of cronyism, authoritarianism, and greed:

"Squid Game" is not anti-capitalist:

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