Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Musk/Trump feud

Two ego-filled billionaires who ought to be working with each other are instead exchanging spicy tweets (or whatever posts are called on Truth Social). See here. Sad.

If any two guys could join forces and help rescue the country, these two could. But, no—instead, it's devolving into a Whose dick is bigger? contest. From the linked article:

Many Trump supporters were hoping Musk and Trump might work together somehow in the future. It’s looking more and more like this isn’t going to be happening, and an interesting feud may be gathering steam. We will be paying attention closely and seeing how things progress.

1 comment:

  1. Stupid. Another example of Trump's worst quality--his ego-fueled rhetoric that makes him appear more like a petulant child than a president. Sometimes being the bigger man isn't about dick size.

    Give me DeSantis in 2024, please.



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