Thursday, July 28, 2022

"wave of investigations"

The Epoch Times headline:

House GOP to Unleash Wave of Investigations If Chamber Flips Red This Fall

That should really be "wave of arrests" followed by "wave of hangings."

From the article:

With an expected GOP takeover of the U.S. House of Representatives following November’s midterm elections, Republicans in the chamber are poised to launch a slew of investigations aimed at dialing up the pressure on the Biden administration over a range of issues—from border security to Hunter Biden to the origins of the pandemic.

Domestic concerns faced by everyday Americans—most notably a historic inflation rate—will be key priorities, according to Chair of the House Republican Conference Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.).

House Republicans will take the administration to task on alleged “policy failures that have created an inflation crisis, energy crisis, border crisis, and crime crisis impacting every American family,” Stefanik told The Epoch Times in an emailed statement.

Big Tech’s censorship of conservative voices will also be scrutinized, she added.

On the foreign policy front, the Biden administration’s botched withdrawal from Afghanistan, the Chinese Communist Party’s influence in the United States and abroad, and U.S. strategy toward Iran are set to come under focus.

Republicans are already laying the groundwork to take on “an aggressive oversight role” next year by issuing preservation notices and document requests so a potential GOP majority “will be ready to hold the Biden administration accountable from day one,” a House GOP leadership aide told The Epoch Times in an email.

I have about as much confidence that GOP investigations will lead to justice as I do Dem investigations. What's to distinguish the US from a place like Korea, where the right and the left constantly investigate each other while real corruption still festers? I'm very much in a "burn it all down" kind of mood. Taxation without representation? How about investigations without rectification? Being black-pilled means despairing of ever seeing justice. That's me.

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