Sunday, July 17, 2022

Styx convinced me to leave Reddit

I've done pretty much nothing on Substack, aside from a few initial posts, and while I made the tiniest of splashes on a remote corner of Reddit, I can't say that my Reddit experience has been all that enriching. I got a couple people to purchase my book thanks to my self-promotion work at r/Homeschool, but in the end, that turned into a trickle, and the trickle dried up into nothing despite my continued posting on that forum. One self-published YouTuber suggested establishing a YouTube presence as a way to build up a fan base, and that's a likelier route to go. I have yet to try that, but it's something I'll look into. Meanwhile, Styx just put out a video in which he spends some time talking about just how much of a sewer Reddit is, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to quit the service. To be fair, the r/Homeschool subreddit hasn't been toxic at all; my experience there has been, overall, positive. But I'm also subscribed to other parts of Reddit, like r/MovieReviews and r/Teachers, that are cesspits of negativity and wokeness. r/Teachers, in particular, is funny given how blind its members are: all reliably leftie, and all unable to see how leftism lies at the root of the problems they complain about. Hypocrisy combined with a lack of introspection makes for a toxic combination, so there's really little reason to remain with Reddit.

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