Thursday, November 10, 2022

maybe this is a good time to say "deez nuts"

U C deez

C deez wut


Usually, when the phrase "deez nuts" is used, it is to flaunt one's genital superiority to either gain a great laugh or just piss [people] off.
—Urban Dictionary

vegan chili, cooking away


the original "meat"

I have to use up the vegan "meat" I'd made, and there's a lot of it, which I divided into two batches. One batch got turned into chili tonight. Nothing special—just a typically white-bread, suburban-style chili that has little in common with true Texas chili (Texas chili = no ground beef, no tomatoes, no beans, no sugar: cook cubed-up chunks of beef in a chili sauce, low and slow, until the meat is fall-apart tender), but still convincingly chili con carne-like.

Verisimilitude was tonight's goal. I flavored the "meat" the same way I would if I were working with ground beef—all the usual spices, seasonings, herbs, etc. I sweetened the mix up with a touch of molasses, and I dumped in about 1.5 cans of baked beans (the ketchupy sauce from the cans also added some sweetness). The result is what you see above, with that final shot showing the "meat" in its original state. I ate a small bowl of the chili, and... it wasn't half bad! I'm going to try a cruel experiment on my boss and coworkers Thursday afternoon to see whether they can tell the chili is vegan. I feel a bit bad about doing that because I've promised them, on multiple occasions, that if I were ever to feed them any diet food—keto, vegan, whatever—I'd let them know first. And I'm about to break that promise.

I'm a real piece of shit.

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