Saturday, November 05, 2022

one woman's red-pill story

I'm not always comfortable seeing political views in terms of a binary contrast: left/right, liberal/conservative, etc. I'd like to think that there's more to politics than just those two views, that there's an evolving spectrum, and this is accentuated by the fact that the labels I just mentioned tend to mean different things according to what decade you're talking about, what country/culture is being discussed, and so on. That being said, I've noticed that a lot of ex-liberals/leftists who tell their red-pill stories gravitate pretty explicitly to the right. These days, that would mean things like believing in lessening the role of government in people's personal lives, adopting something close to a free-speech-absolutist attitude, being a constitutional originalist (-ish), believing in equality of opportunity but not equality of outcome, etc. Below, I've embedded a video from a lady whose YouTube Shorts suddenly ended up as algorithmic suggestions for me. She goes by the moniker Freely Ashley, and here is her story of leaving the left:

You may note that Ashley does subscribe to the stereotype that lefties are all about emotion. I kind of subscribe to that view as well, but I recognize that there are plenty of leftist intellectuals out there who have extensive logical arguments to back up their views. If you're looking for a good example of that on YouTube, try a dude who goes by Vaush. I hate the guy, but he's got a formidable intellect, and he often does seem to do an impressive job of dismantling conservative claims and arguments. Full disclosure: Vaush is an unrepentant socialist (which puts him in league with famous socialists like Jim Carrey and Sir Patrick Stewart). He's a pit bull on the order of Anthony Weiner on a good day; I wouldn't want to debate him, frankly, unless I absolutely knew I had all facts at my command.

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