Sunday, November 06, 2022

Tim Pool on Elon Musk's nuking of Twitter censors

Schadenboner time:

Tim Pool initially talks about one of the ramifications of the removal of Twitter's censors: the all-new inability to control the narrative concerning Nancy's thorn-in-the-side, Paul Pelosi. Mr. Pelosi apparently answered the door himself when the police arrived, moved away from the police, and only then was attacked by the hammer-wielding DePape, who managed to get at least one good skull-bash in before police overpowered him. In the just-ended Censorship Era, Pool notes, this counter-narrative would have been dismissed and canceled as misinformation. Now, instead, this story sits out there for all to see—a direct consequence of the new freedom of speech to be found at Twitter.

Of course, none of this tempts me to rejoin Twitter. I'm being realistic: if Twitter was a toxic cesspool before, it's not going to be any less of one now. Why? Mainly because all the vermin loudly declaring they plan to leave Twitter won't have the balls to leave, as was the case when leftists loudly declared, in 2016, that they would be leaving the US because Trump was now president. Bunch of cowards. So with the vermin still in place and still pushing their stupid falsehoods, why on earth would I rejoin Twitter? Fuck that.

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