Monday, November 07, 2022

part of the jitterati

Jitterati: I only just thought of the term, but a quick Google search shows it's been in use for some time. As I define it, jitterati refers to the demographic who are hopeful about there being a red wave, but nervous about the potential for 3 a.m. cheating à la 2020. Example: Kari Lake seems on the verge of winning... then suddenly, at 3 a.m., 500,000 mail-in votes come in from nowhere by truck, all for the utterly undeserving Katie Hobbs. Mehmet Oz seems on the verge of beating John Fetterman, but Fetterman suddenly pulls through with a resounding victory (not that I'd find an Oz victory to be cause for celebration), guaranteeing the barely functioning stroke victim a place in the US Senate. And so on.

Of course, with Election Day no longer being Election Day but rather Election Week, this whole process is now being dragged out. I say we should eliminate absentee/mail-in voting entirely (I opted not to vote so as not to be part of the toxic process: my absentee vote would merely become one of thousands of suspicious votes), and all voting on American soil should be done via paper ballot, verified on-site by multiple teams, and hand-counted as many times as it takes to ensure accurate numbers. This can all be done within hours of poll closings. As commenters at Instapundit point out, France already does this, as do other countries.

So I worry that cheating will cancel any red wave (although, as hinted above, I'm not necessarily enthusiastic that a red wave will solve current problems). Yet I remain hopeful that reality will reflect current polling even though there's little reason to trust polling (as we've seen in the past). This puts me firmly in the realm of I Don't Know, and all I can do is cross my fingers and pray for an outcome that breaks the leftist stranglehold on my home culture.

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