Sunday, November 13, 2022


While shopping for pesto ingredients at the SSG Food Market, I saw this:

small, super-expensive, but prepped packs of snow-crab meat

So I had to grab three. It could be that I'm wrong about this, but in my shopping experience, it's extremely rare to see prepped crab meat in Korea, so when I saw this, I was overjoyed. I'm a lazy bastard when it comes to eating: I don't like having to do work. Plucking out fish bones, avoiding chicken bones, cutting away huge chunks of fat from steak, or crunching crab shells to get at the meat—these are all activities that involve a lot of effort for very little reward. So prepped is where it's at. Gimme my proteins free of shells, mammal/bird bones, fishy pin bones, tendons, cartilage, and huge hunks of fat. Just meat.

I haven't checked, but I might be able to find prepped crab meat via Coupang, or by going to the Noryangjin Fish Market (a place I've never visited; it's on my bucket list), so it could be that prepped crab meat is easier to obtain than I'm making it out to be. Still, Coupang takes at least a day to deliver, and the fish market is out of my way. I'd be eating a ton more crab if it were more readily available in this form. My everyday shopping occurs in a narrow ambit: it's done mostly at local groceries, SSG Food Market, and the Yangjae Costco and eMart. I almost never see prepped crab in those places (excepting SSG this time). Maybe I'm not looking hard enough, but I do look for it.

Right now, the question is what to do with my new acquisition. I'm thinking crab bisque (this normally includes flour, but keto recipes exist) or maybe a less-healthy crab chowder, or possibly a crab-and-shrimp chowder. More ideas will come to me, I'm sure.

Like crab cakes.

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