Sunday, November 13, 2022

you got fucked, students

A lot of focus, these days, on how the Democrat promise of debt-forgiveness for college students laboring under the burden of student loans was little more than a vote-buying lie.

Here's Styx on the same topic ("You got fucked in the ass"):

My goddaughter is one of the people hoping to benefit from Biden's vain promise. Well, she's young and maybe a bit naive, but it's possible that, if she put in her application early enough, she might even receive some benefits because the forgiveness policy is being canceled henceforth, not retroactively dismissed: the government has simply stopped taking new loan-forgiveness applications. I alluded to all this earlier in my "more images" post:

Note that this was from August this year.

You didn't have to be Nostradamus to make this call, of course; anyone who understands the left's mindset could see this was going to happen. But a lot of us are still Charlie Brown, charging one more time at that football because, this time, it's gonna be different.

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