Sunday, November 06, 2022

sights on a walk

I walked 20K to visit Jeff Hodges and his wife at their home just outside of Seoul. I didn't take many photos as I was concentrating on just getting to Jeff's place on time, but I did take the following two pictures:

girl is thicc, yo
obviously the same artist who did this along the Ara Canal

Without intruding too much on Jeff's privacy, I think I can safely say that I was treated to a scrumptious, multi-course luncheon with squash soup as an appetizer, pasta casserole and salad as the main course, and a two-part dessert of Stollen and ice cream plus a nicely ripened persimmon. Conversation ranged all over. I had brought along with me the gift of a homemade loaf of no-knead bread, and I received the gift of a copy of Jeff's (Dr. Jeff's) dissertation from the 1990s: Food as Synecdoche in John's Gospel and the Gnostic Texts. My feet were killing me after 20K, and the pain seems to have slowed me down to around 3.5 kph, but the meal and the company were restorative, and thanks to walking that route, I learned a little bit about the satellite city of Guri, which lies on the north side of the Han River and is the next city over from Seoul. (Hanam City, also east of Seoul, is on the south side of the Han, across from Guri.) A good way to spend a Sunday.

I passed a huge and impressive-looking Chinese restaurant in 광진구/Gwangjin-gu called 요리왕/Yori Wang, i.e., Food King or Cooking King. Will need to go back there someday. I didn't take a pic of the place, but I pulled this off the street-view function on Naver Map:

24-hour service, baby
address: 서울 광진구 동일로 96


  1. I was very impressed with that parked car in your market shot. That's some skillful driving there; not even sure how he or she managed to squeeze into that small space.

    I'm also impressed with your long walk, but that's old hat for you. This is your first significant distance hike since you've returned, right? Hope the pain subsides, and you return to normal soon. Did you have a doctor look at your toe?

  2. 20K felt really long thanks to the pain.

    I don't think I even noticed that parking job when I took the picture! Koreans normally suck at driving (except maybe the taxi drivers, who might be obnoxious, but who have greater situational awareness than most normie drivers), yet every now and again, they'll perform feats of dexterity with their vehicles.



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