Friday, November 11, 2022

the winning strategy = stop the cheating before it happens

This tweet has been making the rounds:

This is a message to all the other red states to do the fucking same. Red-state governors: act like governors and implement policies that ensure voter integrity. Can the system still be cheated? Of course it can, but you can take measures to minimize cheating. Don't stand around looking helpless. Grow a pair and rescue your state from all the fraud.


NB: I admit I don't like the faulty parallelism in the first paragraph of the tweet. Possible fix: Florida banned mass mail-in ballots, banned ballot harvesting, required voter ID, and created an election task force. Much more consistent that way. In the second paragraph, I'd take away that damn comma before while. When the subordinate clause comes second, there isn't supposed to be a comma.

WRONG: I'll kill you, if you do that again.
RIGHT: I'll kill you if you do that again.
ALSO RIGHT: If you do that again, I'll kill you. (subordinate clause first)

Full explanation of the punctuation rules here.

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