Friday, November 11, 2022

vegan spaghetti sauce

This was a massive fail:

I started eating this before I realized I needed to take a picture.

Looks a lot like spaghetti bolognese, but the taste was off, the smell was off, and all in all, it simply lacked the oomph that you get from real meat. My American coworker claimed the sauce was somehow too sweet; I didn't pick up on any extra sweetness myself, and I certainly hadn't added any sugar to the sauce. All I did was herb up and season the "meat" with crushed fennel seeds, parsley, oregano, thyme, garlic powder, salt, pepper, and chili flakes. I fried up the "meat," then added the bottled tomato sauce. The overall result was a big meh. My boss didn't bother eating any, and I warned my Korean coworker away from trying what I'd made. I'm probably going to throw the rest of the sauce away and repurpose the remaining pasta, of which there's still a lot. Maybe I'll make pesto.

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