Saturday, November 12, 2022

Trump attacks!

Trump attacks Ron DeSantis.

Trump attacks Candace Owens.

Trump attacks Glenn Youngkin.

Why is Trump attacking these people? These are all folks who are more or less in line with Trump's MAGA agenda. They all fight as Trump has done. Does this make any sense?

Fantasy scenario: Trump is deliberately setting himself up to be a fall guy, a sacrificial lamb to allow someone like DeSantis a real shot at the presidency in 2024. He's deliberately assuming the role of Asshole-in-Chief to be a distractor.

The problem with that theory is Trump's ego. While it could be said that Trump sacrificed a lot while he was president—he certainly lost all his credibility among his former fellows, the Democrats, when he stuck an "R" behind his name, and he's had to endure endless pillorying by the press and other idiotic sectors of American culture (Hollywood)—Trump endured all that because he remained a hero in his own mind. The idea that he might take one for the team is... flimsy, to put it politely.

Your thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, the ego is who he is and that is what has kept me from being a Trump fan. In 2016 I had to choose between a crook and a clown--I went with the clown and Trump turned out to be a good President, despite his ego. The shit he says is cringe worthy, and as you note, he's now attacking folks who should be allies on the right. He just can't help himself.

    So, no, Trump will never put party or even country first--it's always all about him. Yes, I'd still vote for him because the MAGA agenda is good for the country, but I'd much prefer someone like DeSantis leading the way.



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