Monday, November 07, 2022

Trump calls DeSantis "DeSanctimonious"

Donald Trump, in a recent speech in Pennsylvania, talked about himself and his own achievements—yet again—while also referring to Florida governor Ron DeSantis as "Ron DeSanctimonious," which is a pretty dumb moniker. Even Hillary Clinton's "deplorables" label, from years back, has more staying power. This jab by Trump at Florida's beloved governor left a lot of conservatives scratching their heads: was Trump playing 3D chess again by ginning up a faux Trump-DeSantis conflict, or was this just another example of Trump's massive ego getting in the way of what could've been a decent message? I'd probably vote the latter: it's been obvious to me for a while that Trump intends to run again in 2024, so the ego motivating such a run is there. But I'm open to the possibility that Trump made his remark for reasons of psy-ops, i.e., Things Are Not As They Seem.

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