Tuesday, November 08, 2022

when I wake up tomorrow

The US east coast, having just done its one-hour "fall back," is now back to being 14 hours behind Seoul (during the "spring forward" period, the difference is 13 hours). So I won't have a good handle on the election results until Wednesday morning, my time. I will wake to either good news or bad news: either the leftist death grip will have been broken in Congress and in terms of several governorships, or the status quo will have been given license to continue, legitimately or not. I'll be morbidly curious to see what kind of violence arises from all this; I suspect that most of it will come, as usual, from the left, which likes to project and pretend that all political violence comes from the right. Of course, if a measure of violence did come from the right, I could probably understand why. People's tolerance isn't infinite. Shit on us enough times, and don't be surprised when the reaction is massive. Tomorrow, we'll see.

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