Friday, April 28, 2006

Ave, Pooper!

If you're an English teacher in Korea who's tired of looking at the butchered English of university student essays, take heart: the pain you feel is felt by others as well! The Party Pooper has posted a hilarious collection of writings by Canadian university students-- native English speakers, I presume-- who have some strange and wonderful insights about both European history and the English language.

At the end of the post, the Pooper offers his own "fractured" look at the Dokdo issue, Canuck undergrad-style.

My French Papa once gave me a book called La foire aux cancres, which was a French-language collection of student output in the same vein. Alas, the book's in the States; were it here, I'd quote liberally from it.

NB: While you're at it, be sure to check out Gord's take on students who plagiarize. Excellent post.

UPDATE: Dr. Hodges has written extensively about plagiarism. One of his posts on the subject can be found here (this post contains links to his many other plagiarism posts), and he provides a link to an online "plagiarism checker" here.



  1. Too kind with the shout out. Gracias.

    Happy hawking in Hongdae...

  2. Here are my experiences with plagiarists:

    Plagiarism Index

    And for those who face repeated plagiarists, here's an online search engine especially for catching the plagiarists:

    Plagiarism Checker

    I would hava posted this at Gord's blog, but I'm not registered there.

    Jeffery Hodges

    * * *



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