Sunday, August 04, 2019

shoeses: ask, and ye shall receive

John Mac was apparently happy to see my new belt, but he also wanted to see the new shoes. I'd actually written about these shoes before, noting they were exactly the same as the ones I'd bought last year (and am still wearing; they're pictured here), just a half-inch longer: I'm now officially a size 12. But why not show off the new pair, right? Here are three pics.

These poor beasts of burden have no idea of the beating that awaits them two months down the road. That said, I look forward to wearing these bad boys.

1 comment:

  1. They look great! I'm a New Balance fan and in fact own a pair that I wear for "everyday" as opposed to hiking. It's wet here and after awhile the roads and sidewalks (such as they are) sometimes grow a green algae-like coating that is slippery as hell. Those treads look like they might secure a good grip on trail and that's what I'm looking for.




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