Sunday, July 10, 2022

a mini-rant I left on Instapundit

A real insurrection, Democrat idiots, looks like what's currently happening in Sri Lanka, where angry citizens have stormed the president's palace (President Rajapaksa is currently on the run) and set the prime minister's residence on fire. (The prime minister has also resigned his post.) Crowds of thousands are out in force right now as Sri Lanka's economy enters a final collapse. We are watching a country implode. Instapundit put up a post about Sri Lanka here; I left the following comment:

And thanks to Sri Lanka's having brokered a deal with China through China's Belt and Road Initiative, Sri Lanka's on the hook to China, which owns at least one Sri Lankan port. China is a vampire sucking the life out of countries in Africa and South Asia, making animated corpses wherever it goes. This is one reason why I vehemently reject any argument that accuses America of being an "empire." You wanna see real imperialism in action? Watch China. It raped and ate Tibet. It wants to do the same to Taiwan. It's steamrollered Hong Kong and reneged on all of its administrative and free-market promises. Empires plant a flag and demand tribute that goes right to the Imperium's capital city. That's what the Belt and Road does. Like a cancer, China creates metastases wherever it makes a deal. And Sri Lanka is just one of the most recent such metastases. Here in Seoul, there's plenty of China-hatred, but even with a newly elected conservative Korean president, there's a lot of fear because China, even as it gives an IV drip to North Korea, is South Korea's largest trading partner. And it doesn't help that there are Chinese history professors who argue that North Korea's ancient Koguryo territory was actually Chinese. This is how China takes places over: by declaring them originally Chinese. Ersatz irredentism. Well... I hope Sri Lankans come to their senses, but they've leaned left for a long, long time, even before Belt and Road came along, so...

A buddy of mine, an English prof, used to be married to a Sri Lankan lady, also an English prof. Her father is/was a Marxist scholar in Sri Lanka, and my friend's ex-wife was (and still is) a big-time leftie, too, like most English profs in America. Sri Lanka's economy has collapsed in part because it chose to adopt a super-green, centralized policy that did not consider the ramifications for people's quality of life. Will our own green advocates take notice? I also wrote the following comment to that same Instapundit post:

I don't hold out any hope that our greenies will learn anything from Sri Lanka's example.

But the people raided the presidential palace... and the prime minister resigned?

EDIT: so the headline is a bit misleading: the people stormed both residences.

This was in response to the headline that Instapundit put up:


The Greens here in America will learn nothing from this. The whole notion of learning from others' failed experiences has gone totally out the window. The Netherlands is currently discovering the same thing as the country tries to bring itself more in conformity with EU green restrictions on nitrogen fertilizer use—a cutback that large farms can make, but that will put smaller farms out of business. The Dutch are currently pissed, in case you haven't been following that news. All over the world, things seem to be moving closer and closer to some kind of massive conflict. Keep your powder dry.

Trivia: America is the #1 agricultural exporter in the world. The Netherlands is #2.

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