Saturday, July 02, 2022

Jordan Peterson: the nightmare continues

Jordan Peterson gained fame some years back when he refused, as a college prof, to knuckle under to a new campus policy forcing people to use certain gendered pronouns. Peterson saw this policy as an infringement of free speech, and so he took a stand. In doing so, he attracted international attention, and since that time, he has become a public intellectual, appearing on news segments and talk shows, participating in debates, and writing books about personal values (as well as experiencing revivals of older books like Maps of Meaning). Despite Peterson's success, though, the nightmare continues: his Twitter account was just suspended after he wrote a tweet that apparently rankled the trans community and got him accused of... what? Hate speech? Something like that. Below is his response to the suspension, essentially a "fuck you" to Twitter. In my opinion, Peterson ought to have left the platform long ago. I left in 2016, right before Trump's election, and I've had a lot less stress ever since.

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