Tuesday, November 08, 2022

did you hear this?

So it seems that Kathy Griffin got right back onto Twitter after being "permanently suspended" by Elon Musk's new Twitter. She did this by appropriating her dead mother's Twitter account. I don't know what happened after that; maybe the mother's account was also banned (the above-linked article says Griffin risks being re-banned). A few things:

1. Using your dead mom's account to continue posting really feels as if you're wearing your mother as a skin suit. Gross and creepy.

2. Kathy Griffin is obviously in the grip of a Twitter addiction. Bouncing right back online like that (as I knew and said she would) is proof positive the woman just can't... stay... away.

3. I've been away from Twitter for so long that I now wonder why anyone would be on that or any other Twitter-like platform at all. Microblogging superficial things for quick reactions? I'd rather stick with blogging and the mostly thoughtful comments I receive.

Griffin is losing whatever diplomatic capital she had with me. I can feel my sympathy draining away. Her Twitter addiction just makes her look sad, weak, and dependent.

Okay, I said before that all of this is inconsequential, so this will be the last thing I post about the Kathy Griffin affair. Meanwhile, other woke idiots, like Ethan Klein of H3H3 Productions, also got banned. I expect all these Twitter addicts to come back after coughing up the initial $8 (which will become $8 a month) to have their accounts and their blue checks (which exist to validate that they're celebrities) restored.

As I've heard from somewhere: it's a private company; Twitter can do what it wants.

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