Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Elon vs. wokeness

Good for Elon Musk:

I'm not the heedless Musk fanboy that some conservatives are. Musk really needs to pull out of China if he's sincere about human rights and free speech. I'd also like to see him lose his Canadian and South African nationalites and really plight his troth with the American people. Trucker-suppressing Canada is a Stalinistic hellhole under Trudeau, and South Africa is rife with corruption, violence, and anti-white racism. Not that America is much better these days, but most of Musk's grandest efforts seem to be based in the United States. 

Just go full-on American, Elon. And get the hell out of China.

Grammar exercise: rewrite Elon's tweet so that it's grammatically correct.

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