Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Styx with Twitter Files 5: oh, the hypocrisy

So, it appears that people inside Twitter had repeatedly said that Donald Trump hadn't violated Twitter standards before Trump finally got shut down (or "shitcanned," as Styx says) by Vijaya Gadde and her ilk (i.e., people like Yoel Roth). Got that? There was resistance to banning Trump even inside of Twitter. Trump's banning therefore came from top people like Gadde. Meanwhile, Twitter allowed incendiary statements from an Iranian Ayatollah who, for example, declared that "Israel is a malignant, cancerous tumor that has to be removed and eradicated." Was he banned? No, of course not. Was that tweet deleted? No, of course not. The double standard at work here is something the right has talked about and talked about, but this is dismissed as rightie hate speech and fearmongering: "The devil you say! Our democracy is in perfect working order!" Or so say the gaslighters who want you to think you're seeing things. Hint: you're not seeing things. You're seeing reality.

1 comment:

John Mac said...

To which the sheeple respond, "Bah!"

That's the problem in a nutshell--in the face of irrefutable evidence of fraud and deception--lefties are still in denial. To me, that's the problem that is breaking our nation: too many people refuse to think for themselves; they blindly follow the woke mob regardless of the consequences. I'm not sure how you fix that kind of stupid.