Friday, June 23, 2023

sprained toe?

I'm left to wonder whether my left big toe is sprained. I checked online about broken toes, and according to the photos, if your toe is broken, it's almost always bruised. I have no bruising—the toe is just painful and a bit swollen. So maybe it's a sprain? Even so, how did that happen? I don't recall stubbing my toe anywhere, and I wear loose shoes with large toe boxes, so whatever happened couldn't have happened while I had shoes on. Or could it have? I really don't know. I am, frankly, at a loss, with no idea why my toe is the way it is. Metaphysically, though, I see this as part and parcel with God's ongoing campaign of hatred against me, dialed down from fearsome to merely annoying. I resolve one body-related problem in my life, and another problem pops up. It's like a constant game of cosmic Whack-a-Mole. And at this rate, I'll be putting out fires until I die.

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