Saturday, June 17, 2023

you farking happy, Charles?

something is afoot... a double-recipe of something, in fact

Although, frankly, 80 g of almond flour for the double recipe still doesn't seem like enough. I'll follow the recipe, though, guided only by faith.


  1. Have faith in the sacred word! Trust me on this--I've made the recipe twice and it comes out fine. Any more almond flour and you'd have a brick.

    I can't guarantee that the keto sugar subtitute--which I'm guessing is that dark stuff at the bottom--will function identically to powdered sugar, though. It looks rather grainy; hopefully it will dissolve properly. Also, I imagine the mixer should work to make the soy emulsion, but if you have an immersion blender on hand it will probably work better.

    Good luck, and godspeed!

  2. Also, you do have salt in there somewhere, right? I don't see it in the mise en place, unless it's mixed in with the almond flour.

  3. If you look really closely at the cinnamon, you'll see the salt next to it. Reeeaaaally closely.

  4. The sugar, a brown-sugar substitute (although I do have confectioner's erythritol), is a combination of Truvia and Swerve. Swerve uses erythritol, so it's got that "cooling" effect that I don't like in my desserts. Truvia uses Stevia (I don't like Stevia on its own, but it seems to be OK in Truvia), which has no "cooling" effect.

    I'd rather use the hand mixer because, when you use an immersion blender, so much of your mixture ends up sticking to the blender attachment, and it's a pain to remove. With a hand mixer, you just rap the mixer parts against the bowl after letting the mixer spin a bit to fling off the mixture, and then it's just a matter of scraping down the bowl. Even if the result is grainy, I think it'll still taste fine.

    And if it doesn't, I'll just blame you.



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